It all started long before WICKED was formed and the Glade was built, when sun flares hit the earth and the world turned into a disaster zone. My verdict? Don’t read this one unless you really loved the series and enjoy dystopian stories in general. Sure, it also tells about how the Flare disease first appeared and why WICKED eventually had to be created in the future, but if you ask me it’s not really necessary to read The Kill Order in order to understand what happened in the rest of the books. It doesn’t really have a connection with the main series and it’s mostly about a bunch of people trying to survive in the forest after the world went crazy. While The Kill Order was slightly better than The Death Cure and I was surprised the annoying slang of the main series was nowhere to be found, I cannot say I was impressed by this particular story by James Dashner either. Since I already owned a copy of The Kill Order and I was promised it was actually better than the third book, I decided to just read this prequel story so I could consider the series finished. Those who follow my blog will know by now I was mostly underwhelmed by The Maze Runner series. It’s how you respond to it that makes or breaks you.” 2023 Netgalley And Edelweiss Reading Challenge.2017 Netgalley And Edelweiss Reading Challenge.